Expert cage-free equipment installation without headaches or hassles.

Ag Installers brings years of experience installing aviary systems from the top manufacturers. Our streamlined and efficient Precision Installation Process ensures your project will be delivered on time and within budget.

Precision Installation Process

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Precision Installation Process

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Submit a Transparent Bid

Ag Installers’ Precision Installation Process starts with a detailed, transparent bid that ensures you are 100% clear on the full scope of the project.  Clarity of scope takes the guess work out of the project, and gives the customer peace of mind knowing exactly what we will and will not be installing.

Prepare for Success

A full 60 – 90 days before your project start date, Ag Installers will have already secured a specialized team of experts for every trade area of the installation. Our crews show up with a clear understanding of the scope and everything they need to get the job done.

Without the right leader on site to start your installation, you could lose valuable time and fail to address potential issues up
front. This could lead to costly downtime and potentially jeopardize your bird date!

Since installation timelines don’t have margin for error, Ag Installers conducts pre-construction meetings to coordinate with the farm, equipment manufacturer, and other trades.

These meetings bring all trades together to work towards one common goal- meeting your  bird date with success.  Our goal is to identify and resolve any project concerns prior to our team showing up on site.

Deploy & Assemble

The way an installer unloads and stores the parts on site can make or break a project. Pallets that are scattered throughout the site will lead to time lost due to unnecessary parts searches. Lost or damaged parts that are left unreported can lead to extremely expensive delays that increase your project cost.

That’s why 30 – 60 days before your start date, our team mobilizes to unload and organize your containers. Utilizing a grid system as we unload, we track all shipments pallet by pallet. This ensures materials are stored in an organized, efficient manner and we can immediately address missing or damaged parts.

During installation, most crews only look at what they’ll be doing one day in advance. At that point it’s too late if they are missing materials, so you’re sure to find yourself in the middle of many stressful and avoidable delays.

To avoid this, Ag Installers continually shares weekly reports with a 3-week lookahead of your project. This helps ensure all parts are on site and allows coordination with other trades so that your entire project stays on track.

Inexperienced crews who aren’t experts on your specific equipment can make risky assumptions or lack attention to important details that cause the need for re-work, costing you more and risking delays.

Your expert Ag Installers team will always follow the manufacturers’ specifications with great attention to detail. We have extensive experience with all of the leading manufacturers so if there are gaps in the manual, our seasoned specialists will spot potential issues in plenty of time to respond.

Deliver Peace of Mind

If punch list items are delayed past the date the birds are loaded, it’s really stressful for everyone including your birds. Even if your bird date is met, the stress of construction noise and traffic in their environment, puts the long-term health of your flock at risk.

We strive to begin testing with your electrician a full 2 weeks before your bird date, ensuring all mechanical systems work properly.  Two weeks before your bird date we will conduct a Substantial Completion Walkthrough to map out a detailed punch list of any loose ends. This process affords us plenty of time to take care of all the fine details to ensure your bird date will be fully met.

CELEBRATE Your Bird Date!

Other installers are often still dealing with last-minute details and punch lists as long as 2 weeks after your bird date! Neither you nor your flock needs that kind of stress!

With Ag Installers, your punch list was completed 2 weeks ago! You know everything’s been tested and any lingering items have already been taken care of. 

You’re ready to load your birds into a system that you know is ready to go, so you can enjoy an stress-free transition of your flock to their new cage-free environment.

Ag Installers has left your site clean and tidy and there are no loose ends to worry about.

With Ag Installers, it IS possible to meet your bird date with confidence and enjoy a smooth and stress-free cage-free installation.

Let’s see what we can accomplish together.

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Let’s discuss your project’s requirements, bird date and important milestones.

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Let’s discuss your project’s requirements, bird date and important milestones.

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Together we’ll nail down the scope and timeline to ensure you meet your budget and bird date.

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Together we’ll nail down the scope and timeline to ensure you meet your budget and bird date.

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your work.

Partner with us and get your next project completed seamlessly.

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Get on with
your work.

Partner with us and get your next project completed seamlessly.

Earning your trust is our greatest measure of success.